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Meditate for a few minutes every night

We all have heard what wonders meditation does to our body & mind if we practice it regularly. Likewise, here also the best thing that you can practice before heading to your bed is the meditation for a few minutes every night. 
During those few minutes, you just need to concentrate on your breath & right after finishing it head directly towards your bed. Don't try to resist any thought in your mind while meditating, rather just observe em' & whenever you get distracted, gently bring your awareness back on your breath. If you get distracted even hundred times while meditating, bring your awareness hundred times on your breath. After a few days of practice, your distraction shall start to go away & you would become more focused. This practice will surely help you in falling asleep.
4. Turn your bedroom into a sleep-friendly environment 
Keep your room's temperature at about 18 degrees. Use heavy curtains so that light doesn't enter in the room. Keep your pet in a separate room for your health's sake every night, if he doesn't let you sleep & disturbs you continuously.
Go into your bedroom only to have sex or fall asleep. Keeping TV & work-related material out of the bedroom establish a strong connection between sleep & bedroom.  
5. Go to sleep with an empty stomach
Get done with your dinner at least three hours before sleeping. Sleeping with the undigested food in your stomach may trigger symptoms of insomnia studies show. 
Sleeping right after eating leads to Indigestion & cause several stomach related problems, such as GERD, IBS etc. 
6. Regulate your fluid intake before sleeping 
Drinking too much water before sleeping will force you to urinate several times in the night, hence disrupted sleep. On the contrary sleeping with no water at all shall wake you up thirsty the next morning. 
Drinking water right before sleeping helps your body in detoxifying the waste while sleeping. One glass of lukewarm water is enough, provided you have not consumed any other fluid right before that. 
7. Avoid Caffeine, Alcohol, Smoking & other chemicals that interfere with your sleep.  
There are numerous studies that support the idea that Caffeine, Alcohol & Nicotine disrupts sleeping patterns of the person who consumes em'. Consuming any of these chemicals can induce Insomnia, headache, nervousness, dizziness, anxiety, irritability, rapid heartbeat, excessive urination, etc.
To enjoy a good night sleep firstly cut all these chemicals right away.
8. Exercise & Sleep
Exercising is well known for its benefits on the human body but doing it right before the bedtime can induce the stress hormone cortisol to increase in our body & which can lead to excessive alertness in the night time.

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