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an article by Thomas Perls

“Why Social Distancing Is the Best Tool We Have to Fight the Coronavirus,” an article by Thomas Perls, discusses the tool to disrupt the contagion of Coronavirus called Social Distancing. It means that people keep a distance of approximately 2 meters from other people. The author indicates this tool can work if it can be implemented correctly on a large scale. From my point of view, I agree because it can slow the chain of transmission with each other and flattening the curve, which means the accommodation of sufferers can be handled.
Mr. Thomas states in his article that people can spread the Coronavirus for at least five days before they show the symptoms. Based on that evidence, government authorities applied social distancing, which means not touching other people like handshakes because it is likely a way a person will catch the virus and the easiest way to spread it. Social distancing cannot prevent 100 percent of transmissions, but people can play a critical role in slowing the spread of this virus. For example, self-quarantine means that people are isolating/themselves from others. Secondly, mandatory quarantine means people who, after mobilizing to another place and get negative results but likely been exposed, must stay in one area such as their home or other accommodation, for 14 days. If, after two weeks, they do not have any symptoms, they can end the quarantine. I think it is reasonable if we take a role because the probability of getting infected is minuscule when we do that terms, people who are not in the crowd will be safer because we do not know when in a crowd, we will be exposed to people who allow us to be carriers without visible symptoms that can infect ourselves and increasing the chain of the spread of this virus. Due to the vaccine will be invented for approximately 18 months, this is the only tool to slow or stop the transmission of this virus. Hence, we can only flatten the curve, so the medical personnel is not overwhelmed, and sufferers can be treated as soon as possible.
In the end, Social distancing is so crucial because it is only the available tool to ruin the contagion, so the role of many people is significant. It can slow or stop the spread. Therefore, the availability of hospital facilities can be maintained because the sufferers are not to booming.

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