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Israel and Palestine

 Israel and Palestine, an interesting title indeed. One of the biggest conflicts in world history. A conflict that changed lives, countries and opinions. A conflict that caused war and betrayal. A land that has sentimental value for religions and culture. The land that existed for thousands of years. What extreme measures are these countries willing to go to, to win this land?

"Israel is that the world's only Jewish state, located just east of the Mediterranean. Palestinians, the Arab population that hails from the land Israel now controls, see the territory as Palestine, and has been wanting to make a state by that name on all or part of the same land. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is over who gets what land and the way it's controlled."  (Beauchamp, 2018) 

There have been multiple attempts to resolve this conflict but, as of right now, none have made the cut. The deadly conflict is still on-going as of right now, and it doesn't look like its going to end soon. The conflict has been going on since almost fifty-four years.

"The struggle between Israel and Palestine dates back to the late nineteenth century. From 1516 until 1917, the Ottoman Turkish Empire governed a major part of the Middle East, including the eastern Mediterranean. Jews, Muslims, and Christians lived alongside each other in that region." (Redd, 2021)

When the Ottoman Turkish Empire fell, the land became controlled by the British. At the same time, Britain has strongly limited Jewish immigrations, so Jews had to find another country to flee to after the Holocaust, and quite certainly the land of Palestine had sentimental value for Jews and, there has been some Jews living there already.

"The United Nations General Assembly enacted Resolution 181 in November 1947, dividing the country into "Independent Arab and Jewish States." The Arabs vetoed the resolution right away. Israeli settlements were assaulted by Palestinian militias.

The Zionist leadership announced the state of Israel to be established on May 14, 1948." (Miller, 2021)

After the establishment of the Jewish Israeli State, many wars between Arabs and Jews have been fought. One of the wars being the Six-Day War, a deadly war between five Arab countries and Israel. After all these wars, the conflict still goes-on. Each country claims the land theirs and always disagree with each other.


Beauchamp, Z., 2018. Vox. [Online] 

Available at:

[Accessed 18 September 2021].

Miller, D., 2021. The Conversation. [Online] 

Available at:

[Accessed 25 September 2021].

Redd, K., 2021. ABC10. [Online] 

Available at:

[Accessed 25 September 2021].

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